Tuesday 28 February 2017

A cool look at the sky! (4th Grade)

Hello everyone!

There are many amazing APPs that show us how the sky really looks like.

Fourth grade pupils tried one called Sky Map:

They could find different stars, constellations, planets and even galaxies!

It is very easy to use and you can spend hours and hours investigating the universe. We strongly recommend you to download this app or another (there are many more and most of them are free!).

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Arthropods: spiders and scorpions (5th Grade)


This is a post only for the bravest!

Do you want to learn some interesting facts about spiders and scorpions, a group of arthropods?



"Amazing Animals" are great episodes, produced by National Geographic Kids.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Komodo Dragons (3rd Grade)

Hey, boys and girls!

How are you? Did you know this big reptile? It is the Komodo Dragon, the largest lizard in the world!

We are going to watch this video in class, in order to answer a short questionnaire later. It is about Sonny, a komodo dragon that lives in the San Diego Zoo (California, USA).

If you want to learn more interesting facts about this reptile, visit the following websites, I'm sure you'll like them!



Worms (5th Grade)

Hi, children!

Last day in class, when we were talking about worms you asked many questions, wishing to know more things abou these invertebrate animals. Well, let's start watching this interesting video, and then, we talk about it:

Videos of vertebrates (3rd and 5th Grades)

Hi children!

In 3rd and 5th grades, we are studying (or revising) the animals' classification. We like learning through videos, so here there is a selection of our favourites:

We make a lungs model! (4th Grade)

Good morning!!!

4th Grade pupils are studying the respiratory system. They made a model of it, in order to pay attention at the two breathing movements: BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT.

It's very easy and effective, you can do it at home!

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Birds (3rd Grade)

Good afternoon!

Time to study the birds!

"FOR THE BIRDS", short film produced by Pixar.

The Platypus (5th Grade)

Good morning!

This is the Platypus (or the duck-billed platypus), a very, very strange animal! But that makes it very, very interesting!

Let's learn some things about this animal in class. To begin with, we are going to watch this video:

So, we've learnt that it lives in some parts of Astralia:

It is a mammal, but it lays eggs!!! It also seems a mixture of different animals:

  • It has the beek of a duck!
  • It has the tail of a beaver!
  • It has the legs of an otter!


How big is our universe? (4th Grade)

If you want to know the answer, watch these amazing videos:

The Known Universe, by the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)

Star Size Comparison

Monday 6 February 2017

The Universe (4th Grade)

Hello, 4th graders!

It's time to start Unit 4: THE UNIVERSE!

Wow!!! What an incredible selfie!!!

Do you know the planets in our solar system? Let's sing! ;)


Thursday 2 February 2017

Lava Pours Steadily From Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano

Hi, everyone!

I want to share with you a video of Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano, which I found incredible.

It shows lava pouring directly into water. Even some tourists have the privilege to see it:

Kilauea, one of the planet's biggest volcanoes, is located in Hawaii island and has been erupting since 1983!!!



Brown bears in the Pyrenees

Hello, children!

How are you???

Did you know that there two new baby brown bears living in La Vall d'Aran, a region in the Catalan Pyrenees?

They were born last Spring and scientists discovered that their mum is Bambou. One of the cubs is male but we don't know the gender of the other yet.

DEPANA, which is a natural organisation, has collaborated in the study of these bears and so, has the honour to choose their names.

They decided to extend this decision to their followers, so if you want to give your opinion, click on the link below and choose your favourite names!


And if you want to learn more about BROWN BEARS, click on the following links: