Thursday 31 May 2018

Planes and helicopters (6th Grade)


Our 6th Grade pupils continue with their Engineering lessons.

Who thought that building an aeroplane or a helicopter was going to be difficult? Read the following post in order to build these machines in less that 10 minutes!

You only need a piece of paper, a straw, scissors and adhesive tape. 

Material needed: a piece of paper, scissors and a paper clip.


 They even organised flying competitions!

Catapults (6th Grade)

Hello everyone!

In 6th Grade, we learn about the Simple Machines. So, we found it a good opportunity to start having some Engineering lessons. To start with, we decided to build a type of LEVER (our 1st studied simple machine) and we chose a CATAPULT:

It was easy and entertaining. We followed the instructions in this video from Experciencia, an amazing STEM website (in Spanish):

Here are some pictures of our catapults: