Monday 25 February 2019

Life and work in the International Space Station (4th Grade)

Hello children!

This is the International Space Station (ISS):

Astronauts from all over the world live in the ISS for a period of time. They study the Earth, the universe and they do experiments.

Sunita Williams

When Sunita Williams was Commander of the International Space Station, she recorded the following video. She made a tour inside the ISS and also she explained how life is there.

It's a highly recommended video, don't miss it!

Friday 15 February 2019

Fukushima's pictures, after the nuclear disaster from 2011 (6th Grade)

Good morning,

6th Grade pupils are studying Energy. These days, we have been talking about non-renewable energy sources and we came across these pictures from the zone of Fukushima (Japan), which suffered a nuclear disaster some years ago; posted on The Telegraph.

As we can read on the digital version of the newspaper, Photographer and filmmaker Arkadiusz Podniesinki visited abandoned toxic towns and villages that once housed hundreds of thousands of people inside the 20km zone.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Non-renewable energy sources (6th Grade)

Hello 6th Grade!

Here you have the 2 videos about FOSSIL FUELS and NUCLEAR ENERGY watched in class this week:
FOSSIL FUELS (in English)


Friday 8 February 2019

STEM Challenge #11: Frosted forest

Good morning!

Let us introduce a new STEM Challenge, carried out by the students of 3rd Grade:

"Design and build a frosted tree"


This Challenge has been adapted from Kerry Tracy and is specially focused on Maths.

Pupils should build a tree with icicles on its branches. These icicles are already given to them: they have a printed sheet full of triangles, which are divided into 3 groups (Equilàter, Isòsceles, Escalè; in Catalan). Moreover, each triangle has some points.

Pupils have to build a tree following these criteria and restrictions:
  • Icicles cannot touch the ground or extend beyond the branch. 
  • There can't be 2 triangles of the same type in one branch.

At the end, each group counted their points! ;)

Renewable and non-renewable energy sources (6th Grade)

Good morning children!

This week, I strongly recommend you to visit the following website. It is about renewable and non-renewable energy sources. You will be able to hear very clear explanations in Spanish.

Scientist of the month: Ada Lovelace

Hi everyone!

For 6th graders, a new month means a new scientist to discover :)


Ada Lovelace (originally Augusta Ada Byron) was born on the 10th December 1815 in London. She was a writer and a mathematician. 

She is considered the world's first computer programmer (although computers weren't invented until one hundred years later!!!). 

 In the Science class we have discovered some facts about her interesting life. 

Please, don't forget to watch this video about Ada:

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Your Age on Other Worlds, by the Exploratorium (4th Grade)

Hello 4th Grade!

Today I want to share with you a very curious and interesting website, from the Exploratorium.

How old are you here, on the Earth? Did you know that if you lived in another planet, you would have a different age?

Friday 1 February 2019

The Sun (4th Grade)

Good morning,

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured very detailed Sun pictures for 5 years. The result is this incredible video. Thanks to it, scientists could observe how the Sun works. Don't miss it: