Wednesday 6 November 2019

Plants (4th Grade)

Good morning!

In 4th Grade, we have been learning about the PLANTS. Today, we want to share with you some of the activities we have done.

1. At the beginning, we asked ourselves the following question:

What do plants need to grow?

We planted seeds in 6 different pots, each one with a specific variable: 
- No water
- No soil
- No air
- No sunlight
- In the fridge
- Water, soil, sunlight, air, correct temperature.

We observed and compared the growth of these plants.

2. We planted some seeds in a tranparent CD case in order to observe the parts of the plants once while they were growing:

3. We learnt the parts of a flower by observing them carefully:

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Bones (6th Grade)

Hello children!

Some days ago, pupils were asked to bring bones in class. Attention! These bones had to be cooked, cleaned and frozen, for our safety work.

Once we had all the bones (most of them, chicken bones), we classified them into 3 groups:


After that, we broke a bone to see what it has inside: THE BONE MARROW; responsible for making blood cells.

Then, we put some bones in a jar full of white vinegar, and we waited for 2 weeks.

What happened to the bones when we opened the jars after 2 weeks?

We found out that bones could be easily bended! But, why?

Vinegar is an acid, so it dissolves away the calcium in the bones. When the calcium is dissolved, the bone isn't hard.

This is the reason why it is so important to eat calcium (milk, yogurt, cheese,...). The calcium we eat, goes to our bones and makes them stronger.

Blood components (5th Grade)


In 5th Grade, we made a blood model, in order to see its different components:

We used some candy for:

- RED BLOOD CELLS, which carry the oxygen and the carbon dioxide thorough the body. They make 40% of the blood, so we made sure we added plenty of them.

- WHITE BLOOD CELLS, which protect our bodies from bacteria and microbes. There are fewer that the previous ones, so we used only a little of them.

- PLATELETS: which stop the bleeding in a wound.

- PLASMA: we used water but, in fact, we might have used another liquid because plasma is yellow.

It was easy and very visual. Are you going to do it at home using other ingredients???