Wednesday 24 May 2017

Butterfly Life Cycle (4th Grade)

Hello boys and girls!

These days we are talking a lot about life cycles. As you know, the butterfly life cycle is very interesting.

Now, let's watch this beatiful video from National Geographic:

Monday 22 May 2017

Our Newton Discs (4th Grade)

Hello everyone!

We have to congratulate the following 4th Grade pupils because they have created a Newton Disc at home. They are Ainara, Aina, Hajar, Hiba and Imad.

There are different version of the same experiment:

A part from creating a beautiful effect, we can prove that the rotating disc (coloured in yellow, orange, red, green, blue, indigo and violet) appears as white.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Sir Isaac Newton

Good morning children!

Isaac Newton is a well known English scientist for us. He has appeared in our units many times and in different grades.

Basically, we know him for his discoveries in light, gravity and universe observation.

Click on the link below to watch a very interesting video about his life:

Story by LearnEnglish Kids, British Council.

The Newton Disc (4th Grade)

Hello children of 4th grade!

As we all know, Sir Isaac Newton, discovered that discovered that WHITE LIGHT is made up of these colours:


Don't you believe that? Then, try to do this experiment at home:

How is a raibow formed? (4th Grade)

Hello class!

We continue with our study of light.

Let's watch this video in class. It explains how a rainbow is formed (although most of us can imagine after working on refraction...;).

It also suggests a beautiful experiment!

Monday 8 May 2017

The colours of white light (4th Grade)

Hello boys and girls!

As we all well know, Sir Isaac Newton discovered that white light is made up of many colours.
But we wanted to discover it the same way he did: using a prism and natural light.
So, this is what we did last day in class, have a look! It's easy and very beatiful, you can try it at home!

Friday 5 May 2017

Plants (3rd Grade)

Hello 3rd Grade!

Let's start our new topic: PLANTS!

A good way to introduce it: going to our vegetable garden ;)

Here you have some useful games and videos:


PLANTS: games (medium, hard and really hard levels!)




Experiment: the colour of objects (4th Grade)

Hello everyone!

In our topic LIGHT, we are learning why the objects are the colour they are... Hum...strange question, isn't it? 
Look at the following diagrams:

Let's see the example of the ladybug: 
  1. White light (made up of many colours) hits the ladybug 
  2. The ladybug reflects only red light 
  3. We see the ladybug RED.

  • Black objects absorb all the light.
  • White objects reflect all the light.


1. Inflate different coloured balloons (black and white are necessary).

2. Explode the balloons with the sunlight and a magnifying class.

3. See which balloon is the first to explode and which the last.

(Thank you Anna for the experiment!!!)

Thursday 4 May 2017

Electricity (6th Grade)

Hello friends!

In 6th Grade, we are learning ELECTRICITY.

We know that all objects have electrical charges. Some are positive, PROTONS, and some are negative, ELECTRONS.

Sometimes, the negative charges pass from one object to another. For example:

- By rubbing a pen to a piece of cloth, we pass negative charges from the cloth to the pen.

Now the pen is (negatively) electrically charged. So, it can attract small pieces of paper.


- Or by rubbing a balloon to a piece of cloth, we pass negative charges to the balloon. So, it is attracted to other objects:


We also know ho to build an electrical circuits. which carries electrical current:

Finally, we can say if some materials are conductors or insulators after adding them into the circuit:

Tuesday 2 May 2017

There's a venomous snake in this photo, by Twistedsifter

Hello children,

Can you see the venomous snake in the following picture? It's very hard to see!

Photograph by Jerry Davis

Have you spotted it? Wow, well done!!! I have to admit that I couldn't...I needed some help...

Photograph by Jerry Davis/ Outline by @SssnakeySci