Friday 2 October 2015

Our Senses: experiments (3rd Grade)

Hello and welcome everyone!

Science is a new subject for boys and girls of 3rd Grade, but don't worry, everything is great!

Our first unit is Our Senses, which is very motivationg because it allows us to experiment a lot!

We exercised our senses and, for example, talking about the sense of SIGHT, we found out that some images can trick our eyes and brain. They are called "Optical Illusions", like these below:

Are they really moving???

Also, we experimented with SMELL and TASTE.

With our eyes closed, we tried to guess things we were smelling:

Some of the children proved to have a great sense of smell!

Then, we tasted some food in order to learn the four basic tastes:


Oops!!! Lemon is sour!


  1. jana calvet aymerich7 October 2015 at 19:07

    hello Cristina, em va agradar molt l'experiment the opticailusions

  2. hello Cristina,m'ha agradat molt l'experiment que hem fet avui,el del desig de nadal
